Air Pruning Pot vs Traditional Pot

Benefits of Porcupots Air Pruning Planters

  • Strong, fibrous root system develops
  • Root tips are air-pruned
  • Plant absorbs more nutrients
  • Greater resistance to harsh weather, disease and pests
  • Improved aeration and drainage
  • Prevents root circling
  • Higher yields
Air Pruning Pots for Growing Cannabis

What is Root Air Pruning?

Root air pruning is a technique that is used to eliminate spiraling and strangling of your root system, which is commonly known as being โ€œroot boundโ€.

Porcupots root air pruning will cause the root system of your plants to become more fibrous and better structured by promoting the root tips to grow towards the cone shaped holes and dry out.ย The roots then naturally respond by โ€œbranchingโ€ out and backfilling the pot with a lateral root system that will fill the entire pot.

This allows the plant to intake the maximum amount of nutrients and water, while being able to provide oxygen to your root system, which results in a fast growing, happy, and healthy plant.

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Porcupots Accessories

Add handles to your Air Pot for easy transfer, or saucers to catch water for indoor growing.